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If you are looking for a vacation filled with natural beauty, history, and excitement, look no further than Allentown, Pennsylvania. Don’t worry about doing endless research on hotel deals; we do that for you. Let us compare hotel prices so you know you are getting the very best deals out there.

Music lovers will be in heaven in Allentown. With a wide variety of live music, Allentown has something for every taste. Check out the  Allentown Symphony Orchestra, Allentown Band, Marine Band of Allentown, Municipal Band of Allentown, or Pioneer Band of Allentown. You are sure to enjoy some of the exciting music Allentown has to offer.

If visual arts are up your alley, go to the Allentown Art Museum. It has paintings and sculptures to satisfy your art craving.

The Liberty Bell Museum is a great lesson in history and is a favorite among locals and visitors.

The Museum of Indian Culture displays arts and crafts as well as Native American clothing.

Lil-Le-Hi Trout Museum includes an arboretum and a nature trail. Visitors can also feed trout.

The Mack Trucks Historical Museum is located in Allentown. This is a one-of-a-kind museum.

Although Allentown does not have any major league sports teams, it is home to minor league baseball, soccer, and softball.

Transportation in Allentown includes bus, rental car, and taxi.

The following annual festivals are popular among Allentown locals as well as tourists:

The Mayfair Festival of the Arts displays various artwork and music produced by Allentown locals.

The Great Allentown Fair showcases livestock, produce, and arts and crafts from Allentown residents.

The Collegiate Marching Band Festival brings collegiate musicians from around the country to toot their own horns.

The Allentown farmers market is held weekly during the summer and early fall.

The Philip and Muriel Berman Sculpture Park is home to one of the most famous sculpture collections in the United States.

Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom is located just outside Allentown. It provides hours of thrilling family fun and refreshment.

Allentown is located 41 miles from Philadelphia and 68 miles from New York City. Thus, you can enjoy the small town feel of Allentown and get to the big city amenities after a short drive.

Your vacation to Allentown is just a click away. Don’t worry about finding hotel deals. We take the headache out of vacation planning so you can really enjoy your vacation. What are you waiting for–get started planning your Allentown vacation now!