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Planning a vacation to Greece? Make Athens, one of the world’s oldest cities, one of your stops. Whether you’re staying a week or a night, we’ll help you find the best hotel deals in Athens. We compare prices and amenities of all the available accommodations so you can easily choose Athens hotel deals. Read on to learn about all there is to see and do in Athens.

First and foremost, be sure to visit the Acropolis and the Parthenon: the jewel of Athens. Athena’s temple is worth a visit just to catch a glimpse of the stunning view of Athens and surrounding temples. Athena is the patron goddess of the ancient city of Athens.

The National Archaeological Museum can be found in the heart of Athens. Any history buff will love to browse through this extensive collection of Greek art and Athens artifacts.

Want a more serene sightseeing buy levitra best price experience while you’re in Athens? Go see where Poseidon reigns at Cape Sounion in Attica. These Greek ruins overlook the Athens sea. The temple of Poseidon is an ideal spot to watch the sun go down and escape from the hustle of Athens.

Ready for some good shopping? The Plaka is a neighborhood in Athens known for its winding streets marked with small shops, restaurants and stunning architecture.

Check out the lively night scene in Athens by wandering the heart of Psirri. With live music, art, unique restaurants and small churches, this area in Athens offers a comfortable neighborhood feeling with fun and hospitality.

The ancient city of Athens offers visitors endless opportunities for fun. Go see the sights and don’t worry about finding hotels deals in Athens. We’ll take care of that part by comparing what’s available. Athens hotel deals are a click away.