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If you are looking for a memorable vacation filled with culture, food, and unique scenery and adventure, Bahrain is the place for you. With all the modern amenities you want as well as the history of thousands of years of civilization, you will not find another place like Bahrain. Bahrain is the smallest independent state in the Persian Gulf and is considered to be one of the most liberal.

Accommodations in Bahrain are known to be quite pricey. Don’t spend all your time searching for Bahrain hotel deals. Instead, let us do it for you. We are experts at finding the very best hotel deals out there. Let us search for deals for you and you can rest assured you are getting clean, comfortable accommodations at a price you can afford.

The Bahrain National Museum contains a history of the culture and heritage of Bahrain, dating back to beginning of civilization in the area approximately 5000 years ago.

There are many castles in Bahrain including Qalat Al Bahrain. Take a tour of one of these castles and enjoy the beauty of the architecture and the grounds.

Bahrain is known for its vast amount of historic architecture. Enjoy just walking along the streets and seeing beautiful buildings.

Bahrain is home to some excellent beaches. Enjoy sea activities and water sports. Sailing and scuba diving are especially popular among tourists.

Looking for a unique experience? Take a camel ride along the highway.

Enjoy a game of golf on one of the professional golf courses in Bahrain.

Attend the Bahrain Grand Prix F1, which is held every April. Tickets sell out quickly and hotel prices often triple around race time, so book well in advance to avoid paying high prices.

A’ali Village Pottery sells unique local pottery. At souq markets you can haggle for goods including jewelry, clothing, gifts, and souvenirs. Bahrain is famous for its exceptional tailors.

Restaurants in Bahrain include a little of everything. You can find fresh local cuisine as well as American fast food.

There are some things you need to know before you embark on your trip to Bahrain:

  • Alcoholic drinks are not sold in regular restaurants; you can only get a drink in 5 star hotels.
  • Bahrain is very hot and dry so be sure to stay hydrated (bottled water is recommended).
  • Be sure not to display affection in public. Arrests for kissing in public are not unheard of among tourists.

Get around in Bahrain by taxi, bus, or car.

An exciting, unique adventure awaits you in Bahrain. Start planning your trip today by allowing us to find you the hotel deals you are looking for.