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Beijing is China’s second largest city; you can imagine the possibilities for fun, culture, history and beauty. You can also imagine the stress when it comes to finding Beijing hotel deals. Booking accommodations shouldn’t be a hassle. If you’re planning a trip, let us compare the best hotel deals in Beijing. Sit back, relax, and read about all there is to do in this magical city.

Beijing is renowned for its lavish temples, palaces and huge stone walls. Its art treasures and universities have long made Beijing a central piece of China’s culture. There are hundreds of museums in Beijing, including the Palace Museum, National Museum of China and the Beijing Art Museum. The Beijing Art Museum is actually located inside a Buddhist temple.

At the heart of Beijing lies the Forbidden City, a massive palace compound that was home to emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Here, you’ll find imperial collections of Chinese art, gardens, parks and scenic areas.

Another Beijing attraction is the towering Pagoda of Tianning Temple. Beijing is filled with several pagodas and stone pagodas, as well as stone bridges.

Spend some leisure time during your stay in Beijing at the Beijing Botanical Garden. It features over 6,000 species of plants including trees, bushes and flowers.

The Beijing Zoo is home to several rare animals from various continents, including the giant panda of China.

The Beijing opera is a form of traditional Chinese theatre that combines music, vocals, mime, dance and acrobatics. See a performance while you’re in town–you won’t soon forget it.

Get a real taste of the city by trying the Peking Roast Duck–a popular Mandarin dish made locally in Beijing.

From delicate Mandarin cuisine and Chinese art to palaces and the Great Wall of China–Beijing has something for everyone. Take advantage of the services we offer by letting us compare Beijing hotel deals. With hotel deals in Beijing right around the corner, the hardest part of your planning is already taken care of.