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Cambridge, Massachusetts, located less than a mile from Boston, offers everything you could ever want in a vacation. From history to entertainment and nightlife, Cambridge has it all, whether you visit for a week or just a weekend. While you live it up in Cambridge you don’t have to pay big bucks for a hotel. Let us find you great hotel deals; we know just how to find them!

The following are our picks for the best activities in Cambridge.

No visit to Cambridge would be complete without a trip to Harvard. Check out the library, museums, or just enjoy the beauty of the campus. Harvard Square offers shopping as well as unique cafes.

Longfellow National Historic Site is the former home of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. George Washington also resided there for a short time. Stop in for a tour of this historic home.

Cambridge is teeming with excellent museums. Check out the Harvard Art Museum, the Harvard Museum of Natural History, the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, and the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts. The Busch-Reisinger Museum is dedicated to providing an understanding of the arts of Central and Northern Europe.

The Alewife Brook Reservation contains 120 acres of wetlands, woods, and meadow areas. In addition to seeing viagra online in us various wildlife, you can enjoy birding, hiking, running, and playing on the playground.

Cambridge is located along the Charles River. Take a walk along the river and enjoy the beautiful scenery or hop on a boat from the Charles Riverboat Company.

Christ Church was built in 1759. It is a beautiful edifice and is not to be missed on your trip to Cambridge.

Cambridge has a wide variety of options for theatrical performances. See shows at The Brattle Theatre, The American Repertory Theatre,  or The Zero Arrow Theatre.

You will notice there are numerous book stores in Cambridge. In fact, Cambridge has two dozen book stores, and each one is unique.

After dark Cambridge comes to life. Enjoy a drink and dancing, comedy, and entertainment at one of the several clubs in Cambridge. If you are looking for even more options, travel just few minutes into Boston.

Food in Cambridge is fabulous. You will find food from every country. In addition, you can get the fresh seafood and local favorites including clam chowder and baked beans.

Getting around in Cambridge couldn’t be easier. Choose from subway, bus, rental car, taxi, commuter rail, or Amtrak.

Let us find you great hotel deals for Cambridge. Pack your bags and off you go!