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Cedar Rapids

If you’re planning a vacation in the near future, consider Cedar Rapids, Iowa. This “city of five seasons” is full of rich culture, an interesting history, extraordinary arts in all forms and plenty to do; come see for yourself! You’ve come to the right site for help finding the best Cedar Rapids hotel deals. Let us do the hard part by comparing hotel deals in Cedar Rapids so you can spend the majority of your time planning things like your visit to the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art.

Speaking of art, when you stop by the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art you’ll find collections, permanent exhibitions, galleries and changing exhibits. There is a rich array of exhibits throughout the year that are comprised of works from other collections, as well as borrowed works from private and public collections in Cedar Rapids. This extraordinary Cedar Hills museum is designed to be kid-friendly–so bring the munchkins along! Staff and tour guides are happy to answer questions. They are there to make your Cedar Rapids visit more enjoyable.

If you’re a music lover, or just someone who enjoys a relaxing night out, be sure to plan a visit to the Cedar Rapids Symphony. Learn about the music of each Masterworks program during an informative, informal discussion presented by Cedar Rapids Symphony School of Music before each Saturday night Masterworks concert. The Cedar Rapids Symphony hosts a variety special concerts and events.

As far as city attractions, Cedar Rapids is home to a variety of historic buildings and interesting sightseeing opportunities. You can stroll through Cedar Rapids on your own or schedule a local tour. To get back to nature, stop by the Indian Creek Nature Center in Cedar Rapids. Its grounds cover 210 acres and include a butterfly garden, maple sugar house, frog pond, at houses and more. There are volunteers staffed to lead nature walks and answer any questions you have about this beautiful Cedar Rapids spot.

For some excitement after the sun sets, check out one of Cedar Rapids’ neighborhood bars or pubs. Relax with a cold beer or martini while you mingle with the friendly Cedar Rapids locals. Whether you’re into a cozy setting or a hot night spot, this city has a nightlife like no other.

Aside from these few must-see features of Cedar Rapids, the city offers an array of sports opportunities, historic sites and much more. Come to us when you need the best Cedar Rapids hotel deals; they’re only a click away. Hotel deals in Cedar Rapids are no longer a hassle. We have your accommodations covered so you can pack your bags and enjoy.