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If you’re headed to Cleveland, Ohio for your next vacation, why don’t you let us help you out with the plans? With just a simple click of the mouse we can assist in finding you the best hotel deals in Cleveland. There are so many other things to do on a vacation, why waste time worrying about the amount you’re spending on a hotel room? You should really be thinking about all the fun things you’ll be doing while you’re in Cleveland.

Cleveland provides visitors and residents some great opportunities to learn about the world around them, past and present.

-The Great Lakes Science Center supplies hundreds of hands-on experiments and cool activities to keep your interest and attention.

-The NASA Glenn Visitor Center in Cleveland focuses on research and development of technologies, science and communications for the aerospace industry.

-The Cleveland Museum of Natural History displays everything from dinosaur bones to astrological equipment and “Lucy”–one of the oldest skeletons of humanity’s earliest ancestors.

-The Cleveland Metroparks Zoo is best known for having the largest collection of primates in the United States and for its Rainforest exhibit, which features a thrilling simulated tropical rain storm.

-The Cleveland Western Reserve Historical Society museums are and incredible collection of interesting historical pieces. One of the most popular sections is the Crawford Auto & Aviation Museum. But the best part about the WRHS is how passionate the staff are about their collections. You get excited just listening to them share their knowledge.

You can also visit Progressive Field, the home to the Cleveland Indians to catch a home game. There’s nothing like enjoying America’s favorite pastime.

The West Side Market in Cleveland was built in 1912  and is a thriving public market that offers fresh produce, meat, dairy products and a delicious variety of prepared foods. It’s a great way to meet a lot of interesting and experienced Cleveland locals.

Cleveland provides some great opportunities to experience some artistic beauty. The Cleveland Museum of Art has a collection of over 40,000 works of art including masterpieces by Monet, Picasso and van Gough. You might also want to explore Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland. You can even check out the Cleveland Botanical Garden to see some natural beauty.

While you’re in Cleveland you’ll definitely want to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum. It’s a glass-encased shrine to well-deserving music makers of the past. However, you might have a problem sampling all six floors and six decades of rock memorabilia in a single visit.

The Old Arcade is a Cleveland favorite for tourists because it’s definitely Cleveland’s most architecturally interesting structure–a 19th style marketplace with a skylight right in the middle. The arcade’s walls are covered with ornate carvings and street lamps lining each walkway give the building a well-deserved charm.

Many more interesting activities await you in Cleveland. Take a ride on Lolly the Trolly and get a tour of downtown Cleveland and surrounding areas. You can also hit up Malley’s Chocolate Factory and explore the 60,000 square feet of chocolate fantasy on a self-guided tour.

Experience the Cleveland night life at the Velvet Tango Room, the Great Lakes Brewing Company, Metropolis Nightclub and the Abbasso Underground Lounge.

Whatever you decide to do in Cleveland, you’re going to have a great time. Keep up the habit of greatness by using us to search out the greatest hotel deals in Cleveland. You won’t regret it.