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Exotic cuisine, fascinating culture, and unique sights–you will find them all in Guangzhou, China. Located in Southern China on the Pearl River, Guangzhou is situated 75 miles northwest of Hong Kong. A trip to Guangzho also offers the excitement of Hong Kong after just a short ferry ride.

Just because you are traveling to a far off destination, you don’t have to pay outrageous prices for accommodations. There are great hotel deals available in Guangzhou. We are experts in finding hotel deals, no matter your budget or accommodation preferences. Let us find you hotel deals and you can be sure you will be satisfied.

Beijing Road is a must-see during your Guangzhou stay. It is a pedestrian only shopping corridor. Here you will find a wide variety of trinkets, antiques, electronics, and collectibles, among other items. You will also find live music and great food. We recommend not visiting Beijing Road on the weekends, as it is very crowded.

Guangzhou is located in the Canton Region of China. Unlike much of the rest of China (where Mandarin is spoken), Guangzhou has Cantonese as its language. The cuisine in Guangzhou is also has a deeply Cantonese influence. Food includes fresh seafood and local favorites. You can also find your favorite American fast food in Guangzhou.

Check out the following attractions during your Guangzhou vacation:

Temple of the Six Banyan Trees is a Buddhist temple that was originally built in 537. It was rebuilt in 1373. This temple boasts amazing culture and architecture.

The Xiangjiang Safari Park is home to a zoo as well as amusement park rides. There are several animals you can pet.

Haizhu Wholesale Market sells a variety of goods. You can haggle for a better price, but usually you do have to buy in bulk.

Chimelong Water Park is a favorite among tourists and locals. Enjoy some refreshing water delight. Chimelong Water Park is a great, family friendly attraction.

The Guangzhou Museum of Art is home to various types of Chinese art.

To get around in Guangzhou, take the metro, train, or bus. You can also take train or ferry to get to Hong Kong.

Your Guangzhou vacation plans don’t have to give you a headache. Instead of spending hours of your time searching for the best hotel deals, let us do it for you. We will find you the accommodations you are looking for at a price you can afford.