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Planning a vacation to China? Don’t forget to make a stop in Hangzhou. As one of the most prosperous and beautiful cities in China, Hangzhou has a lot to offer its visitors. Make sure to use our services for help booking Hangzhou hotel deals. We compare the best hotel deals in Hangzhou so you can make a choice that’ll save you money. Read on for ideas of ways to kick start your Hangzhou getaway.

Hangzhou is well-known for its beautiful natural scenery. To get a taste of that beauty during your stay in Hangzhou, make a stop at West Lake. This famous fresh water lake can be found in the historic center of Hangzhou. With its mountainous surroundings and picturesque landscape, many tourists go there to embrace its artistic value. There are also many ancient buildings, stone caves and engraved tablets in the surrounding areas.

Jingci Temple, located just south of West Lake, is a prominent Buddhist temple–another must-see in Hangzhou.

Another popular tourist site is the Leifeng Pagoda. This five-story tower with eight sides has an interesting background. Go see it and learn about its significance to Hangzhou.

Visit the Qiantang River through Hangzhou to witness a natural phenomenon you can’t see anywhere else: the world’s largest tidal bore. It reaches up to 40 feet in height.

Check out the Temple of Confucius in Hangzhou–a temple devoted to the memory of Confucius and the sages and philosophers of Confucianism.

Get a taste of Hangzhou history by visiting the Dreaming of the Tiger Spring. This historic and scenic spring produces water that’s popular for brewing teas. It’s a definite must-see of Hangzhou.

The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception is a Roman Catholic cathedral located not far from Wulin Square in downtown Hangzhou.

Get in touch with nature during your stay in Hangzhou by checking out the Xixi National Wetland Park. With fish ponds and reed beds along with a temple and several historic rural houses, there’s something for everyone to enjoy there.

Hangzhou is also home to the Hangzhou Botanical Garden and the zoo.

Get a true taste of Hangzhou culture by checking out Old China Street. There you’ll find various kinds of souvenirs and renowned Longjing tea.

From rich culture and educational sites to beautiful landscaping and natural phenomena, Hangzhou is a city in China that has something to interest everyone. Now that you’ve found the right site for Hangzhou hotel deals, planning the rest of your getaway will be a piece of cake. Hotel deals in Hangzhou are just a click away.