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Helsinki is the largest city and the capital of Finland, so if you’re planning to visit, be sure to come to us for help finding the best Helsinki hotel deals. With all there is to do and see in this beautiful city, you don’t want to waste time finding hotel deals in Helsinki. You’ll want to jump right into the fun stuff. So take advantage of us! Hotel deals in Helsinki are just a click away. Here are just a few ideas of ways to kick start your stay in Helsinki.

The biggest historical museum in Helsinki is the National Museum of Finland, which displays a wide array of historical artifacts from prehistoric times. The museum building itself is stunning; the architectural style is romantic neo-medieval castle and it’s a major attraction in Helsinki.

While you’re out and about, make a stop at the University of Helsinki where you’ll find other major museums and awesome architecture.

Art lovers will not be disappointed during their stay in Helsinki. Ateneum Art Museum features classical Finnish art and the Kiasma Art Museum houses a lot of modern art. The old Ateneum, a neo-renaissance palace from the 19th century, is one of Helsinki’s major historical buildings and holds a debatable past.

Helsinki is also a great place for theatre and music. One of the major theatres worth visiting is the Helsinki City Theatre. Helsinki also houses a few major music venues.

Helsinki hosts some successful local teams in football and ice hockey. Why not go see a game during your stay?

Even the modest shoppers won’t be able to resist spending some time browsing the Itakeskus shopping center in Helsinki. This large mall with 240 shops and cafes is a great place to find souvenirs for your friends back home or maybe something nice for yourself.

The Rock Church in Helsinki is a definite must-see. It’s inside of a massive block of granite with a copper wire ceiling. Go learn about its history and impact it’s had on Helsinki locals.

Now you have a few ideas of what Helsinki has to offer, as well as an easy way to find Helsinki hotel deals. With everything there is to do in this city, it’s a great place for a family vacation or a romantic getaway. Just keep us in mind when booking your Helsinki hotel deals. We’ll that part so much easier for you.