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The United Kingdom offers many sights, history and beauty–but none that match the likes of Leeds. If you’re planning a vacation, be sure to let us help you find the best hotel deals in Leeds. With all there is to see and do in this beautiful city, you won’t want to waste your money on accommodations. Leeds hotel deals are just a click away. Read on for some idea for things to do during your Leeds stay.

For anyone with an interest in architecture, or even just those who enjoy beauty, the architectural styles in Leeds are some of the most prominent in the world. Many of the buildings in Leeds feature a Victorian style; however, there are many other types out there too. Go see the Kirkstall Abbey, one of Britain’s best preserved ruined Cistercian monasteries. Many buildings in Leeds have won awards for their architecture. Go see the Corn Exchange project or the Henry Moore Institute.

To get a good look at old Leeds lifestyle, take a look at the Temple Newsam house that dates from the early 16th century. This extensive estate features gardens and a rare breeds farm. The house was sold to the Leeds City Council in 1922 and is noted for its Jacobean architecture.

If you’re an art lover, you won’t want to miss out on the Lotherton Hall. With art collections and a bird garden, there’s something for everyone in your group to enjoy.

Take a stroll through Leed’s largest park: Roundhar Park. It’s home to a Tropical World hothouse and hosts a number of concerts.

For more music and outdoor enjoyment, check out the Golden Acre Park, Hall Park and East End Park. There is also the Georgian Park Square in Leeds City Centre.

Kids and adults alike will want to spend hours at the Royal Armories Museum where you’ll see the national collection of arms and armor. This specialty museum is a good way for you to learn about Leeds, its people and its culture. The second you enter the building, it feels like you traveled through a time machine. Go see for yourself!

With a rich history and colorful culture, the city of Leeds is something everyone should see. Whether you’re just traveling through or planning a long vacation, we’re here to help you find hotel deals in Leeds. So get ready to pack your bags. Leeds hotel deals are right around the corner.