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Long Beach

Planning a trip to Long Beach, California? Let us help you out by finding some great hotel deals so your stay can be as affordable as possible. Speaking of affordability, Long Beach offers so many opportunities for affordable fun! Check out some of the places to visit and things you can do while you’re enjoying your well-earned vacation in Long Beach:

-Take a walk through the Earl Burns Miller Japanese Garden to drink in some Long Beach serenity.

-Visit the Aquarium of the Pacific and view over 12,000 sea creatures, recreating three different ecosystems and bringing you face to face with sharks, sea lions, eels and many others! You can experience the ocean life at Long Beach without even having to get wet, or sunburned!

-Tour the Scorpion Submarine, a decommissioned Soviet submarine that is now a popular tourist attraction.

-Appreciate the artistic view by walking through the Long Beach Museum of Art. It’s high on a cliff over-looking the Pacific and features all types of art including European and California art and magnificent gardens. Long Beach is also home to the Museum of Latin American Art, a combination museum and cultural center devoted exclusively to contemporary Latin American art.

-Shoreline Village, a characteristic of Long Beach, is a wonderful place to spend the day. It lines the boardwalk levitra online cheap with quirky shops, souvenir stores and restaurants along with a carousel and fun zone for kids.

-You can go on a Gondola Getaway, a romantic Alamitos Bay cruise on an authentic Italian gondola, complete with a gondolier (who croons upon request) and complimentary food basket. Who knew that by vacationing in Long Beach, you’d get a little bit of Italy?

-Spend a day relaxing on the beach… and obvious option for Long Beach.

-Experience some real salt water fishing with Long Beach Sportfishing. According to ravin reviews, fishing with them will help to make a memory you won’t soon forget.

-You’ll want to make time to visit the Skinny House in Long Beach, currently the Guinness World record holder of the nation’s skinniest house.

-Get to know the Long Beach night life and visit some of the most popular clubs like the Legends of Aviation and Vault 350. Pine Avenue is a sought-out attraction; it’s a trendy retail and restaurant district where historic buildings, house shops, eateries and a sizzling nightlife take over when the sun goes down.

Whatever you decide to do, and wherever you choose to stay in Long Beach is up to you. But we can make the decision easier by providing you with some great hotel deals and affordable options in Long Beach.