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Madrid is a popular European tourist destination. Located on the River Manzanares, Madrid offers visitors various vacation experiences. Although Madrid is an exotic destination, Madrid hotel deals are available; in fact, we compare hotel prices for Madrid so you can focus on the details of your vacation.

Like many other European cities, Madrid has a mix of ancient and modern architecture and tourist attractions. The Royal Palace of Madrid, the residence of the Spanish monarch, is not to be missed. Enjoy the National Library and the Prado Museum, which showcases works of art. An evening at the Teatro Real (Royal theater) provides enjoyable entertainment for visitors from around the world.

Madrid is home to several parks. At Parque del Retiro you can rent row boats or paddle boats. You will also find rose gardens and art exhibitions. Casa de Campo has a zoo and a municipal pool. Located in Casa de Campo is Parque Zoológico, an amusement park offering recreation for adults and children alike. Faunia, a park boasting 1500 different animals, provides an exciting experience for visitors.

Atocha Railway Station has some unique features that attract tourists. With over 4000 square meters of tropical plants in the railway station, it is educational as well as entertaining.

The night life in Madrid is red hot. Many restaurants, pubs, and bars do not open until late at night and stay open until the early hours of the morning. Dance clubs are plentiful. Great music and delicious food and drink are easy to find. In the summer, you will find people enjoying the night life in outdoor terraces.

Restaurants in Madrid serve various varieties of food. If you are looking for traditional Spanish cuisine, you will find plenty of it in Madrid. You can also find international food in many Madrid restaurants.

No vacation to Madrid would be complete without experiencing bull fighting. You don’t have to join in the Running of the Bulls to truly experience a bull fight. The Las Ventas bull ring in Madrid hosts bull fighting between March and October. In the off season, Las Ventas hosts various musical concerts.

The most popular choices for transportation in Madrid are the Metro (subway) and public buses. You can also use taxis or rental cars. Public transportation is good in Madrid; it will get you wherever you want to go.

As you can see, Madrid is a great vacation destination. Don’t let finding accommodations hold you back. Madrid hotel deals are out there, and we can help you find them. Let us compare hotel prices for Madrid to make sure you are getting the best deal possible.