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What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think Naples, Italy? Rich history, art, culture or maybe food? We think of Naples hotel deals. That’s what we do. We’ll compare all the best hotel deals in Naples so you can easily plan your vacation. Read on for more information on things to do in this beautiful city.

Naples has a number of cultural resources and monuments that include 2,800 years of history. From castles, churches and fountains to ancient architecture, Naples is one of the most Catholic cities in the world.

Be sure to stop and see the ancient Castel Nuovo–one of the most notable architectural representatives on Naples. This historic hot spot has hosted numerous historical religious events including Pope Celestine V’s resignation. It’s an important part of Naples and a definite must-see.

Naples hosts an abundance of museums with significance to the country. The Naples National Archaeological Museum is considered one of most important for artifacts of the Roman Empire in the world.

Museo di Capodimonte is one of the more significant museums–it also doubles as an art gallery. This Naples museum shows paintings from the 13th to 18th century.

One of the most visible landmarks in Naples is the Certosa di San Martino. It was formerly a monastery complex and is now an important Naples museum with Spanish and Bourbon-era artifacts.

Naples has a proud railway history and is home to the Pietrarsa Museum. It features, among other things, the first locomotive in the world: the Bayard.

Because Naples is a city dedicated to their religion, there are many beautiful churches, chapels and religious structures to see. The Cathedral of Naples is the most important place of worship in the city–it hosts many religious gatherings each year.

Underneath Naples there is a series of caves created by centuries of mining. Take an underground tour and check out the museum.

Take a stroll through the Royal Garden–one of the most popular public parks in Naples.

Naples is known for their rich savory dishes and is held as the home of pizza. Wine and dine in style at one of the many affordable restaurants around Naples.

Good food, great wine, colorful history…what more could you want from a European vacation? Whether you’re staying a couple nights or a couple weeks, we can help you find the best Naples hotel deals. Now that you have some ideas of what to do in this gorgeous city of endless possibilities, you can start planning the trip today. Hotel deals in Naples are just a click away!