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Oxford, England

The Treasures of Oxford, England

There are places in this world that can totally enrich your life just by one visit.  Oxford, England, is one of those places.  Read on to learn more about the treasures that await you in Oxford.

University of Oxford

You can’t travel to Oxford without exploring its famous university.  Dating as far back as 1096, the University of Oxford is a huge compound of gorgeous, old buildings that include 40 colleges, libraries, halls and several museums.  A stroll around the various buildings and manicured grounds awards visitors with breathtaking views of diverse architectural styles.  Tours throughout the buildings offer glimpses of rare and antique books, documents, artifacts, art works and much more.  Many of the colleges allow tours, but it is a good idea for visitors to inquire about the tour hours beforehand.

Covered Market

Located at High Street, the Covered Market is England’s oldest covered market that should not be overlooked.  The market features numerous stalls selling a mixed variety of goods from cheese, meat and fish to textiles and all sorts of crafts where you are sure to find a bargain.  You can browse assorted specialty shops like a butcher’s shop, hat shop, cake shop and a chocolate shop.

Historical Landmarks

Oxford is packed with many interesting historical landmarks such as the outstanding Bodleian Library.  Comprised in the Bodleian Library complex are several buildings that include the striking Radcliffe Camera.  The quaint Hertford Bridge and the unusual architecture of the Sheldonian Theatre are also well worth a look.  Dating back to 1280, the University Church of St. Mary the Virgin offers intriguing history, beautiful architecture, a coffee shop and the best scenic views of Oxford from its lofty tower.


Founded in 1683, the Ashmolean Museum is the oldest museum in England.  At this amazing museum, you can see impressive artifacts and art objects from ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece.  The Oxford University Museum of Natural History offers a vast collection of animal, insect and mineral specimens acquired over the past three hundred years, including a huge exhibit of dinosaur fossils.  The Pitt Rivers Museum holds a wide array of objects and artifacts of ancient and modern cultures from around the world.

Arts and Culture

Oxford offers a wealth of choices for arts and culture.  At the Christ Church Picture Gallery, you can feast your eyes on the hundreds of drawings and paintings by art masters like Tintoretto, Carracci, Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo and more.  View contemporary works of art and photography by established artists at the Modern Art Oxford. Additionally, Oxford presents several venues where you can catch student performances of drama such as the Oxford Playhouse and the Burton Taylor Theatre.  Enjoy musicals and ballets at the New Theatre.


Punting on the famous Thames River is a popular outdoor activity in Oxford during the warm, summer months.  You can rent a boat and pole to propel yourself along the river or hire a guide to do the work for you while you enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Hotel Accommodations

Whether you ‘e looking for a B&B, a guesthouse, luxurious hotel, or a cozy room to fit your budget, Oxford offers a wide range of accommodations.

Don’t let any great deals slip past you.  Check out online deals today and begin planning a rewarding trip to Oxford.