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Paris, the “City of Lights”, hosts 30 million foreign visitors annually. In Paris you will find history, beauty, and excitement. Don’t be taken in by expensive accommodations in Paris; Paris hotel deals are available. We compare hotel deals for Paris, so check out the deals and save your hard earned cash for your vacation.

Paris is full of beautiful buildings, cathedrals, and churches. Atop Montmartre is the Basilica of the Sacre Coeur (Sacred Heart). It is a fantastic structure that attracts many tourists. Outside Sacre Coeur you will find street artists doing original artwork with paint, chalk, and charcoal. You can buy one of these works of art for a relatively low price and keep it forever as a memory of your vacation to Paris.

The cathedral of Notre Dame is one of the most famous landmarks in Paris. From the gargoyles outside to the stained glass windows there is no more exquisite cathedral anywhere in the world.

The Palace of Versailles is another Parisian landmark not to be missed. Versailles was built by Louis XIV. It is famous for its beautiful gardens as well as its unique tapestries and unusual architecture.

The Eiffel Tower is, perhaps, the most well known landmark in Paris. The Eiffel Tower is especially breathtaking at night, all light up.

The Louvre is one of the largest and most famous museums in the world. You could spend weeks at the Louvre and still not see everything.

Transportation in Paris is easy. Whether you choose the Metro, light rail, trains, or taxi, you can get anywhere you want to go.

Cuisine in Paris is fabulous. You can find delectable traditional French food or a wide array of international cuisine throughout Paris. You will also find your favorite drink at any of the many bars throughout Paris.

Paris is home to the French Open tennis tournament. You can also see the Tour de France in Paris; it ends along the Champs Elysees in Paris.

The Disneyland Resort Paris is a very popular tourist destination. Enjoy the magic of Disney on another continent!

Paris is known for its sophistication, class, and charm. Don’t think that you have to spend a fortune to find great lodging in Paris. Paris hotel deals are easy to find. Let us compare hotel deals for Paris to help you get the best deal possible.