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Pompano Beach

If you are looking for fun in the sun, adventure in the great outdoors, or education in history, Pompano Beach, Florida is the vacation destination for you. With warm weather year round, Pompano Beach offers visitors a variety of attractions throughout the year.

There is no need to spend hours searching for hotel deals. Instead, let us do all the hard work for you. We compare hotel prices to find the very best hotel deals out there. With just one click of your mouse you will be well on your way to Pompano Beach.

There are dozens of exciting activities to keep you busy on your vacation to Pompano Beach. Be sure to check out the following attractions.

The Ely Educational Museum details black history of Pompano and also displays historical artifacts.

The Museum of Discovery and Science makes learning about science fun. Adults and children will enjoy the hands-on activities at the Museum of Discovery.

Pompano Beach boasts world class sport fishing. Take a day to enjoy some unforgettable adventure deep sea fishing.

Beaches in Pompano are excellent. Whether you choose to swim, sunbathe, or do a variety of water sports, you will enjoy your time at the beach.

There are dozens of beautiful golf courses in and around Pompano Beach.

Sports fans can take a short drive to watch the Florida Marlins, Miami Dolphins, or Miami Heat.

The Hillsboro Lighthouse is a popular tourist attraction. Built in 1907, the Hillsboro Lighthouse is supposedly the brightest lighthouse in the southeast. Tours are given daily.

Fern Forest Nature Park includes a hiking trail and wildlife viewing.

Old Pompano Fire Station includes a history and memorabilia of Pompano Beach.

Butterfly World is a short drive from Pompano Beach. Here you will see butterflies, birds, gardens, and waterfalls. Walk across the swinging bridge and feed the birds.

The Food & Wine Festival and Auction features food from gourmet restaurants as well as wine tastings.

The Seafood Festival is held annually in Pompano Beach and includes fresh food, entertainment, and dancing.

Surf World Surf Shop gives free surfing lessons on Sunday mornings.

The Pompano Beach Air Park is home to the Goodyear Blimp. Guided tours are offered daily.

If you just want to relax, check out one of Pompano Beach’s day spas. Treat yourself to your favorite spa treatment.

What are you waiting for–an exciting, relaxing vacation to Pompano Beach awaits. Let us find you the hotel deals you are looking for.