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Rio de Janeiro

There is no more diverse, exciting, or exotic vacation destination than Rio de Janeiro. With fabulous food, superb beaches, and unique natural beauty, Rio de Janeiro has everything you are looking for. No matter what time of year you choose to visit, you will find plenty to do.

An exotic vacation does not mean you have to pay ridiculous prices. Don’t give yourself a headache by spending hours searching for the right hotel deals. Instead, let us find you the accommodations you want. We are experts at finding the very best hotel deals available. You can be sure we will find you a quality hotel room at a great price.

Christ the Redeemer statue is, perhaps, the most famous landmark in Rio de Janeiro. It has been named one of the New Seven Wonders of the World and attracts visitors from around the globe.

Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, has some of the biggest parties in the world. Held in early spring, Carnival includes parades with incredible costumes, fireworks, dancing, music, food, drinks, and tons of fun. This is a party you definitely don’t want to miss.

There are over 5o museums in Rio de Janeiro including the Modern Art Museum and the National Museum of Fine Arts. No matter your interest, you can find a museum you will enjoy visiting in Rio.

No trip to Rio de Janeiro would be complete without at least one visit to Rio’s fabulous beaches. Try out a water sport or just relax on the beach.

Rio de Janeiro will host the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. Look for some exciting new changes in the next few years.

Brazilians can’t get enough football (or soccer, as it is known in America). Be sure to catch a football match during your stay in Rio de Janeiro.

Rio de Janeiro has an unmatched ethnic mix, which means you can find all types of cuisine and culture.

Sugar Loaf Mountain is a unique natural wonder.  You can take a cable car to the top of the mountain to enjoy the rare vegetation. There are also several excellent climbing spots on Sugar Loaf Mountain.

Tijuca Forest is a rain forest as well as a National Park. Walk through the beautiful plants and flowers. You will see wildlife, a stunning waterfall, and a Chinese style pagoda.

The Zoological Garden is home to over 2000 species. Enjoyed by adults and children alike, the Zoological Garden makes a great outing.

Begin planning your trip to Rio de Janeiro today. Let us find you the hotel deals you have been looking for and you will be well on your way to the trip of your dreams.