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Take a trip to the “Red Rock Country” of Sedona, Arizona for history, archaeology, arts, power shopping and more. This picturesque city is surrounded by red rock making it perfect for all kinds of outdoor fun. You’ve come to the right site for help finding Sedona hotel deals. We compare all the available hotel deals in Sedona so you can find one that’s right for you. Whether you’re staying a night or a week, there’s no doubt we can help you find Sedona hotel deals that’ll save you cash.

To get the full nature experience that Sedona has to offer, we suggest taking a trolley tour to see the sights. Make a stop at Red Rock State Park for some hiking and bird watching. After that, go explore Oak Creek Canyon in Sedona.

Enjoy the sights of red rocks and wild life from a bird’s eye view — take a hot air balloon ride over Sedona early in the morning!

Try out your luck at the tables at Cliff Castle Casino, just a short drive from Sedona.

The history buff in your group will love the Sedona Heritage Museum. Learn about local Sedona pioneers, movies made in Sedona, see some vintage machinery and enjoy panoramic views at the 5-acre park.

Watch Bengal tigers in natural play as they frolic with their caretakers at Out of Africa Wildlife Park near Sedona.

Sedona is also just a short drive from several wineries, vineyards and cellars.

If you’d like some heart-thumping adventure during your Sedona stay, make a stop at the Sedona Off-Road Center where you can rent a Tomcar or ATV and go on your own tour of the Red Rock Country. Travel at your own pace and spend as much time as want checking out the unforgettable Sedona views.

Take a guided trip down the Verde River for a wild and scenic look at Sedona. Sedona Adventure Tours allows you to rent the boats and gear so you can take yourself down the river.

Challenge yourself at Sedona Golf Resort and see why it always gets a four-star rating from Golf Digest.

From outdoor fun to indoor relaxing and history, Sedona has something to interest people of all backgrounds and ages. Finding hotel deals in Sedona doesn’t have to be a pain–let us do the hard part for you. Sedona hotel deals are right at your fingertips. Book your itinerary today!