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Planning a trip to South Korea? If so, be sure to stop and see some of the wonders of Seoul. With over 10 million people living there, it’s one of the world’s largest cities, which can make finding accommodations difficult. That’s where we come in. We’ll compare the best Seoul hotel deals so you can find a place that suit your needs. Whether you’re just passing through or staying a bit longer, we’ll find you some great hotel deals in Seoul.

Get a feel for classic Seoul in the old Joseon Dynasty city, which is now the downtown area. Most palaces, offices and headquarters are located in this part Seoul. If you’re at all interested in historical architecture, Seoul has a lot of cultural landmarks.

Seoul is also home to many major modern landmarks including the Korea Finance Building, N Seoul Tower and the World Trade Center. These, along with high-rise office buildings like the Seoul Star Tower, dominate the city’s skyline.

Seoul houses over 100 museums including three national and nine official municipal museums. The National Museum of Korea in Seoul is an important part of Korea’s culture and houses many significant artifacts.

For an educational and emotional experience, check out the War Memorial in Seoul. It allows visitors to experience traditional Korean culture while educating about various Korean War themes.

The Seodaemun Prison is a former prison built during Japanese occupation and is currently used as a history museum.

If you have a knack for art, or just enjoy eye-pleasing things, make a stop at the Seoul Museum of Art. It has an appearance of an old building to distinguish itself visually from the tall, neighboring modern buildings.

Learn more about the origins of Seoul and Korean society politics by strolling through some significant religious buildings in the area. The Wongudan altar was once a sacrificial place where Korean rulers held heavenly rituals.

The Myeongdong Cathedral is a landmark of the Myeongdong district and is the first Catholic church established in Korea. Go see this symbol of Christianity in Seoul. It’s an unforgettable sight!

Namsan Park offers hiking and recreation along with views of the downtown Seoul skyline. It’s a nice escape from the city bustle.

Now that you know how to kick start your Seoul vacation, you can start searching for Seoul hotel deals. With just a click of the mouse, you’ll have all the best hotel deals in Seoul right at your fingertips. Booking a vacation has never been easier!