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If you’re considering a vacation to China, consider making a stop in Suzhou. This Jiangsu city in Chine is known for its beautiful stone bridges, pagodas and extravagant gardens. With all the tourist attractions there, you won’t want to waste any time searching for hotel deals in Suzhou.  That’s what we’re here for.  We compare all the available Suzhou hotel deals so you can sit back, relax and plan the fun parts. Speaking of fun, here are few of the must-sees in Suzhou.

Anytime you visit a city so rich in culture and history, you can be sure to find many significant landmarks; Suzhou is no exception. Go see the Hanshan Temple. Originally built in 503, it has been destroyed and rebuilt many times since its last reconstruction in 1896. This Buddhist temple in Suzhou is a must-see.

Suzhou plays in intricate role in the world’s production of silk. Go check out the Suzhou Silk Museum to get a peek at the history of silk production and Suzhou embroidery from around 4000 BC. From old looms and demonstrations to samples of ancient silk patterns, there’s something to peak everyone’s interest at the Suzhou Silk Museum. There is even a room full of live silk worms eating mulberry leaves and spinning cocoons.

No visit to Suzhou would be complete without a look at some of the bridges and pagodas. The Precious Belt Bridge near Suzhou is a Chinese stone arch bridge with the center three arches enlarged to allow for the passage of larger river vessels without masts. It’s quite a sight to see.

Many of the pagodas in Suzhou are worth seeing: one of them is the Huqiu Pagoda, also known as the Leaning Tower of China and the Yunyan Temple Tower. This seven-story octagonal building was built with blue bricks. Due to forces of nature, in more than a thousand years it has gradually started to slant.

The Couple’s Retreat Garden in Suzhou is a famous classical Chinese garden with a name that refers to the garden’s two parts and alludes to a couple. With several structures and beautiful foliage, it’s a definite must-see in Suzhou.

Go see the Garden of Cultivation for an example of one of the best preserved Ming Dynasty gardens in Suzhou.

From ancient folklore and sculptures to the opera and theatre, Suzhou has something for everyone. Now that you know where to find the best Suzhou hotel deals, all you have to do is focus on planning the rest if your getaway. Hotel deals in Suzhou are just a click away.