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Planning a trip to China? Don’t to add Tianjin to your must-see list. It’s a city full of antique markets, ancient culture, landmarks, sports and so much more. As far as finding hotel deals in Tianjin…well, that can be overwhelming. Let us help you out with that. We will compare all the available Tianjin hotel deals so you can sit back and relax. Have fun planning the fun parts on the itinerary. Don’t stress about accommodations. Tianjin hotel deals are right here at your fingertips. Now, read on for some must-sees in the beautiful city of Tianjin.

Tianjin Museum is the largest museum in Tianjin, China, exhibiting a range of historical relics with great significance to Tianjin. With its extensive collection of Chinese fine arts and historic documents, there is something to peak anyone’s interest.

Whether you’re bringing the kids along or not, visit the Tianjin Zoo where you’ll see some rare, protected animals. From the Giant Panda to the Golden Monkey and animals from exotic lands, tourists are sure to appreciate the world’s rare animals at the Tianjin Zoo.

For more adventure, check out the Tianjin Water Park–the largest urban park and recreation area in Tianjin, China. With lakes, pathways, pagodas and gardens, no one in your group will get bored there. It’s impossible!

The Huangyaguan is a small section of the Great Wall of China located in Tianjin. It’s a major tourist attraction.

Mount Pan, located not far from Tianjin, makes for a great getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city. With mountainous green slopes and jade pines, this peak is a botanist’s paradise.

Xi Kai Church is a famous catholic church in Tianjin located at the end of a pedestrian mall street. Check out its beautiful surroundings and awesome architecture.

If you like shopping, Tianjin will not disappoint. He Ping is a major pedestrian shopping street with all sorts of quaint shops and other things to see. Also, be sure to check out Ancient Culture Street for souvenirs, clay figurines, swords, coins and more. There are also plenty of restaurants in the area, too.

From famous museums and churches to charming parks and shopping areas, Tianjin has something to interest everyone. Spend your time planning for all the fun parts–not hassling with Tianjin hotel deals. Now that you know where to go for help booking hotel deals in Tianjin, all you have left to do is plan the fun stuff. So pack your bags today!