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Xi’an is not only one of the oldest cities in Chinese history–it’s a place with rich cultural values, unforgettable landmarks, scenic views and so much more. It’s the ideal spot for your next family getaway. Worried about finding hotel deals in Xi’an? We’ll help you out with that. Use our services and you’ll have all the best Xi’an hotel deals right at your fingertips. Read on for some ideas of things to do while you’re visiting Xi’an.

The Terra-Cotta Warriors and Soldiers Museum in Xi’an is a must-see. In the 1970s a farmer who was drilling for water discovered these 8,000 warriors, chariots and horses in three separate pits. They are 6 feet tall and over 2,000 years old. When you get to Xi’an and see this astonishing landmark, you’ll learn about these statues, the history and why the emperor of China had them made there in the middle of Xi’an.

Explore the grounds of a pagoda when you visit Xi’an Museum and Small Goose Pagoda in Xi’an. There, you’ll learn about the fascinating history of early settlements that lead up to the establishment of Xi’an as a capital. There are also stunning exhibits of jade, calligraphy and Xi’an culture.

Take a break from the hustle and bustle of Xi’an by taking a walk or bike ride near the Xi’an City Wall. This is a good way to really see Xi’an–from downtown city life to great views of temples.

You’ll be amazed when you go check out the Tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China. This historic site in Xi’an displays amazing craftsmanship and extraordinary preservation.

Located just southeast of Xi’an you’ll find Tang Paradise. It’s within walking distance from the Xi’an Garden Hotel and consists of themed gardens, tea, markets, entertainment and great food. There’s even a free and amazing musical fountain at the Great Wild Goose pagoda square.

Hanyangling Museum in Xi’an is a must-see for anyone interested in archeology. This terrific museum is not far from the Xi’an airport and it features glass floors looking down into the excavation pit.

From one-of-a-kind museums to beautiful gardens and landmarks, Xi’an has something for everyone. Now that you know where to get Xi’an hotel deals, all you have left to do it book your getaway. Hotel deals in Xi’an are right at your fingertips. Book your trip today!