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Yonkers, New York, offers everything you’d expect from a fun New York vacation. We compare hotel deals in Yonkers so you can move your focus toward planning that fun itinerary. With Yonkers hotel deals right at your fingertips, you’re almost ready to go. Here, we’ll tell you about just a few of the must-sees in Yonkers.

Situated on the beautiful Hudson River, Yonkers is a place with something for everyone.

The Hudson River Museum in Yonkers is home to several exhibits, collections, a planetarium and so much more.

Capture the beauty of the terrace landscape that is synonymous with Yonkers with a tour by car, train or boat.

Take time out to relax during your Yonkers getaway by planning a picnic at Sprain Ridge Park or one of the Yonkers waterfront spots.

If heart-racing adventure is more your style, make a stop at Empire City Casino and Yonkers Raceway for some gaming and racing.

Your days in Yonkers can include many recreational and exciting activities including, swimming, tennis and basketball.

If golfing is your style, tee off at Dunwoodie Golf Course in Yonkers. Enjoy the fresh Yonkers air while challenging your golf skills.

The Yonkers area offers many specialty stores for the shopper in your group. From quaint boutiques, strip malls and big-name outlets, Yonkers has something for everyone. Get something to remember your Yonkers vacation or find some knick knacks for your friends back home.

Take a stroll through some of the museums in Yonkers and dine at authentic area restaurants.

Experience live music or theater during your Yonkers stay at one of the stages around town.

No matter what your tastes, Yonkers is sure to keep you entertained. Now that you’ve found the best spot for Yonkers hotel deals, you can start planning the details for your getaway. With hotel deals in Yonkers so easily accessible, the hardest part is taken care of!