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Composite Fillings

No more silver fillings that can darken over time and stain enamel. We utilize filling materials that are biologically compatible and clinically proven to be color stable over time.

bpa free Sealants

Children are very susceptible to decay during the transition period when they possess both “baby” and permanent teeth. A sealed tooth prevents food impaction in the tiny grooves along the chewing surfaces of the back molars, helping prevent decay during the formative years.

Veneers, Crowns and Bridges

Porcelain and ceramic restoration can be the treatment of choice for both strength and longevity for teeth with large decay, existing fillings, or less than ideal esthetics. When a tooth requires such repair, we partner with the industry-leading provider of high-quality dental lab products to ensure quality restorations that improve your oral health.


Implants are designed to replace the roots of missing teeth. They can be used to support single or multiple teeth, stabilize dentures or replace dentures entirely. Backed by several years of research and an average success rate of greater than 95%, dental implants are the most predictable tooth replacement option available today. Dental implants can help prevent soft tissue and bone loss caused by a missing tooth and eliminate the need to reduce and compromise adjacent teeth.