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Budapest is more than just the capital of Hungary. It’s widely regarded as one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. It’s the ideal vacation spot for families, groups or couples. Don’t worry about hotel deals in Budapest; we’ll find and compare those for you. Spend your time planning a trip to the Buda Castle or Danube Promenade. Hotel deals in Budapest are right at your fingertips.

Read on for some sights and historic places in Budapest. It’s sure to be an unforgettable getaway.

The Hungarian Parliament Building is one of Europe’s oldest legislative buildings and is a popular landmark of Budapest. It lies on the bank of Danube and offers beautiful views of Budapest. Inside and outside there are over 242 sculptures on the walls. Walk of the ornamental stairs and check out traditional Budapest stained glass and mosaic paintings.

Go see genuine, ancient Roman remains at the Aquincum Museum in Budapest.

Taste Hungarian cuisine and get a feel for Budapest culture at one of the many cafes or at the world-famous Matyas Pince Restaurants.

Castle Hill offers three churches, six museums and a variety of interesting buildings, streets and squares relevant to Budapest. The 700-year-old Matthias Church is one of the jewels of Budapest.

For more on the culture and history of Budapest, check out the Museum of Fine Arts and the Palace of Arts.

Statue Park, a theme park with striking statues of the Communist area, is located just outside Budapest.

 During your stay in Budapest, you won’t want to miss the largest synagogue in Europe: Dohany Street Synagogue. The second largest Baroque castle in the world, Godollo, is nearby in the Budapest metropolitan area.

With sights to see, stunning buildings and plenty to do, Budapest really does offer it all. Finding hotel deals in Budapest has never been easier. Use our services to help you compare the best Budapest hotel deals so you can find a fit that’s right.