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If you’re planning a trip to Cuba, don’t forget to make a stop in Havana. This beautiful city is divided into three main harbours and offers so much for visitors to see and do. Aside from that, Havana is a major port and the capital city of Cuba. You can see how finding hotel deals in Havana proves to be a challenge. That’s where we come in to help. We’ll compare all the available Havana hotel deals so you won’t have to worry. You can rest assured that you’ll be getting the best deal. So sit back, relax and read about all there is to do in Havana.

Havana is a unique city when considering the assortment of architectural structures. Ranging from Neo-Classic and Baroque to Art Deco and Modernism, Havana offers visitors many chances to see amazing styles of its changing architecture.

A fine example of 18th century ecclesiastic architecture can be found at the Cathedral of Havana.

Havana is home to one of the most famous cemeteries in Latin America: Necropolis Cristobal Colon. This cemetery and open air museum is known for its beauty and magnificence. Take a stroll through some of the one million tombs and admire some of the sculptures on the gravestones.

See a show by the National Opera or the National Ballet of Cuba at the Great Theater of Havana. Its concert hall is also the biggest one in Cuba.

Castillo San Salvador de la Punta is a small fortress built in the 16th century at the western entry point to the Havana harbour. Go check it out and learn about the crucial role it played in the defense of Havana during the first centuries of colonization.

The Museum of the Revolution, located in Old Havana, houses what was the Presidential Palace of all Cuban presidents from Mario Garcia Menocal to Fulgencio Batista. The yacht of Granma is on display behind the museum. It’s a definite must-see in Havana.

Go see a breathtaking landscape of plants from all around the Caribbean at the botanical gardens in Havana.

Mingle with Havana locals at a Cuban baseball game. Havana has two teams that play games throughout various neighborhoods in Havana.

Just 15 minutes from Havana there are beaches for you to just sit back and take in the rays.

No matter what your background, age or interests, Havana is sure to keep you enthralled. From sports and gardens to museums and architecture, Havana has it all. Now that you know where to get the best Havana hotel deals, planning the rest of your trip is easy. So pack your bags…hotel deals in Havana are just a click away!